We build the right welding torches for your application

In addition to our standard line of welding torches, we also build welding torches tailored to your specific application. This way, we guarantee you the very best component for your welding task – for both manual and automated welding.



Plasma welding torch for diverse requirements – from the most delicate welding tasks on thin metal sheets to safe and stable welding on thicker sheet metals – plasma welding torch with up to 200 amps

TIG welding torch from AC to DC: From gas-cooled or water-cooled TIG welding torches to torches for cold wire, hot wire or spot welding. You will find suitable equipment for your welding tasks right here.

MIG/MAG welding torches from well-known manufacturers or EWM's own MT series of welding torches. We have the right torches for your specific application

The gas- and water-cooled MT welding torches are coordinated with all other EWM components, and this combination ensures that the full performance capability of the power sources goes into the welding process. Extreme robustness and durability reduce wear and the cost of spare parts. The separate shielding gas guide also reduces gas losses to a considerable extent, reducing consumption and avoiding process problems. Life-cycle costs are comparatively low, which makes for rapid amortisation.